题目: Elective Surgery Sequencing and Scheduling under Uncertainty
时间:2024年11月18日下午 14:00
主讲人:杨晨 香港科技大学
主持人:袁泉 长聘副教授,华体会体育(中国)HTH·官方网站
Chen Yang is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of industrial engineering and decision analytics at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), advised by Prof. Jin Qi. He earned his M.Phil. in physics from HKUST and B.S in physics from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interest lies in data-driven decision-making and distributionally robust optimization, with an emphasis on applications to healthcare operations management and risk management.
讲座摘要:We consider a surgery sequencing and scheduling problem with uncertain durations of surgeries in the context of an operating theatre. From real data collected from a hospital, we observe the common practice, namely “to follow”, in which surgeries are conducted sequentially and immediately one after another, according to a specific schedule. Based on this practice, we propose a mathematical framework to balance the risk of delay and idling using the Punctuality Index, which takes into consideration both the probability and intensity of delay and idle time. We develop a computationally efficient procedure based on Benders Decomposition to derive exact solutions for the problem. The scheduling problem is solvable in polynomial time when the sequence is given. The framework can also accommodate a robust setting when the underlying probability distribution is not fully available. For practical use, we propose two effective heuristics for sequencing decisions by approximating the model. Using real data, we demonstrate that our framework is significantly better than the risk-neutral and probability maximizing approaches in both performance and computational efficiency. Moreover, the robust setting can effectively lessen the risk of extremely long delay and idle time, and the heuristics are efficient with only a small sacrifice of performance. With the “to follow” policy, our sequencing and scheduling model describes the actual practice better. The two heuristics can be applied easily and directly to help managers of operating theatres to make decisions.